

Social Media Post Designs promo packages

We believe in complete transparency in our pricing. Check out our pricing options designed to deliver maximum value for your investment.

Basic Package

Ideal for startups


Standard Package

Great for growing businesses

+ 1 Free website page design


Pro Package

Best for large businesses


Pricing FAQs

Can you help me to create a Facebook bussiness page?

Yes, we can, this will be an additional fee.

Can you use my photos or images for the post designs?

Yes, we can. The high quality photos/images or content must be shared with us.

Can I request an additional revision to designs?

Yes, you can, we will share a Quote after we have evaluated your changes.

What are the difference between a story and a reel?

A Story is an image similar to a post design, the only difference is the size. A Reel is a short video between 20 -30 sec long.

Can you assist in posting and creating captions on my social media?

Yes. we can, this will be an additional fee.

Will the post include my branding logo?

Yes, your high-quality logo must be shared with us.

What do you need from me in order to start with my post designs?

We require the following to start with the design work: Your product or service catalogue, website address, contact details, high quality logo, your specials/promo, additional info if you require specific content for your post designs.

Can you assist in a new logo design for my business?

Yes. We can assist in your logo design.

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